Anyway anyway. I didn't get to try it out at once due to the continuing issue of Other Stuff™. Last night, though, I finally did. So I read the instructions very carefully and went through the detailed startup procedures with great precision. (Put ingredients in machine, turn on. Kind of thing.)
Then I got lost in an orgy of catching-up TV thanks to Mr Branson's Disk-Based Recording Device With Multiple Tuners. Specifically Family Guy and Heroes, a slightly odd juxtaposition but hey. I was just dozing off nicely when I was awoken by the unmistakable and utterly wonderful smell of delicious new hot fresh bread that I made. This is so brilliant that it's brilliant. Of course my skill in the culinary arts is well-known so it is hardly surprising that my first loaf (pictured above) was such a particularly fine example: these complex machines clearly need an expert hand at the helm.
But wow. I made bread. Me. Bread. I am soooooo pleased!
The idea of Mr Thompson in a croissant costume would have me rolling around on the floor laughing were it not for the fact that the majority of my floor is currently taken up with large boxes of stuff.
As I said to you just now, we should have a bread-off when I get back. My hand-kneaded, airing cupboard-proven loaf versus your fancy schmancy Panasonic fruit'n'nut dispenser one. Good butter will be needed.
Ah ... boxes ... stuff ... students ... them were t'days.
I am very worried by the competitive-sounding event you propose. I am not sure that my delicate new skills are up to it. Maybe to be fairer, you could do yours with a hand tied behind your back? Or hopping? Or blindfold? I'd have a bit more faith in the fairness.
Evil Multiple Personality #3 writes: Ha! Our mechanized divisions will crush your sad cavalry relics!!!
Isn't using a bread maker cheating? I mean, I can make pizza or I can order take-out.
Speaking of food, here's quoting Chris on "Family Guy": "I'm so hungry, I could eat a house! Wait...that doesn't make sense."
No, not at all. You are thinking of ordinary bread makers. Yeah, they're very straightforward. But the Panasonic ones are quite, quite different and do require a serious level of professional skill to operate. So no, my lovely loaf is the product of pure culinary genius, not anything remotely like cheating. Indeed no. Good heavens. The very thought.
Perhaps you should move to Paris and become a boulangerie? Or at least perhaps take some scratch-n-sniff photos of your complex bread. Btw, did you know that Japan doesn't really sell sandwich bread since sandwiches don't really exist there? If you want such a thing in a store, you'll find bread packaged in slices of THREE. I'm sure the Earl of Sandwich is rolling in his grave.
Yeah, Paris, good!
Bread in threes: some horrible, horrible mistake here surely ... I will ask the Ambassador to Have a Word.
I still haven't tasted your bread. Snot fair. Waa. Etc.
I stayed in bed today. Zz. Oh, and I've got my tablet-mouse-thing working again. Handy when you're trying to lie on your side but I haven't half got a crick in my neck now...
If I time it right tomorrow I might be able to bring you some ... watch this space. :)
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