Tuesday 11 November 2008

How to pronounce Reveille ...

How to pronounce Reveille - in the context of the bugle call, at least - is apparently a big draw for this blog. Or so my friend Mr Google and his trusty Analytics tell me. I am a little bemused by this but I think it's rather nice too. If you popped in just for this purpose, welcome, and especially if it is around 11th November or 25th April.

So, to save you faffing around, and if you really don't want to read through 74,000,000 pages of me ranting about annoying companies, yoghurt, nice walks, etc (how could you not?) then here is the link which will take you straight there:

Reveille, the bugle call, how Vogel thinks you should pronounce it (clue: not in French...)

I hope this small public service has been useful to you.

PS Please note that I have not here opened the Can-o-Worms™ which could be labelled Really Reveille? or perhaps A Rouse By Any Other Name. It will only frighten the horses. Really.

PPS I've added a note on pronouncing Rouse; hope it helps.

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